Scrap Your Car Today. Compare, Quote & Free Collection

The days of having to trawl through car scrap yards to locate the best deal for your car are over. Now you can get paid whilst freeing up that parking space, all from the comfort of your own home. Whether your car has been in an accident, is a non-runner, mot failure or is simply no longer wanted, the team here at Scrap Car Comparison can help you sell it with our free comparison service.

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Scrap Car Experts

We have UK based support staff waiting to take your call on 03333 44 99 50 (free from most phones) to help you at every point of the car scrapping process.

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All Prices Guaranteed

Every scrap car offer given by this site is guaranteed and you’ll get exactly the amount your quoted. We only ask that you have accurately described your vehicle.

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100% Free Collection

When you scrap your car with us, you’ll get completely free collection included as standard; no need to take your car to a scrap yard or worry about collection charges.

Money for scrap carsHow Can I Scrap My Car For Money?

Over 1.5 million cars are scrapped every year. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your vehicle for a newer model, or are facing expensive repairs after an accident or failed MOT, scrapping your car can be stressful. This is where our dedicated and experienced team come in, to help you sell your scrap car hassle-free.

With a national car scrappage network of scrap yards and scrap buyers, we offer the easiest way to compare prices and get the best quote for your car. All you need to do is provide a few details about your vehicle so that we can assess whether it’s suitable to be salvaged, or whether it should be scrapped.

Your vehicle information is then entered into our network which is built up of the best scrap and salvage buyers across the country. We hold every one of our buyers to the highest standards and offer the most professional vehicle disposal service in the industry.

All quotes on Scrap Car Comparison are guaranteed which means that as long as your car has been accurately described, the buyer will never negotiate the price down at the point of collection. In addition to this, there are no hidden fees as all of the scrap car dealers on our network operate free collections. The price you are quoted is the price you will receive.

Since 2008 we’ve gained years and years of experience organising scrap and salvage collections across the UK. We have used our expertise to create a smooth and streamlined process for our customers. Besides scrap vehicles our network also buys damaged vehicles, commonly referred to in the UK motor industry as salvage vehicles. Salvaged vehicles have the possibility of being given a new lease of life by being repaired and returned to the road, or used for parts. If your vehicle is eligible for salvage it may be worth far more than just its scrap weight.

To check how much your car is worth for scrap just complete our short quote form. Once you have input your vehicle’s details our site will run a price comparison through our network of scrap car dealers and generate a quote for you instantly. If you’d like to discuss selling your vehicle and the quote generated in more detail you can ring, or request a call back from, one of our automotive experts on 03333 44 99 50.

Recovery truck iconOur UK Scrap Locations

Outline of UK with scrap yard location markers on it

We work with a huge range of professional buyers throughout the UK. Contact us for quick, hassle free collection anywhere in the UK. Here are some of our larger collection areas.

Scrap car coverage in your area

We’ve made over 250,000 collections across the UK.

Car iconScrap your car

Scrapping your car may seem like a daunting process but it’s actually very simple and straightforward. Whether your car has failed its MOT, has been damaged in a crash, or is simply no longer financially viable to keep going, selling a car for scrap provides a great option.

Getting a great price for your vehicle has never been easier.

Historic scrap value chart

Scrap Car Value

Just how much is a scrap car worth? Find out the factors that go into calculating the price of your vehicle and how getting the right quote depends on many different factors.

Damaged car parked in field

Selling a damaged car

Whether it’s bodywork, engine/parts or an interior issue at fault, selling a damaged car has never been easier. Find out what to expect when selling a damaged car or van.

A checklist being written on paper

How to scrap a car

The three step process we offer makes it simple and straightforward to scrap your car right now. Find out what’s involved in both scrapping and salvaging.

Scrap Car Comparison MascotWe’ve been featured in

This is Money
The Sun
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questions about scrapping your carSo How Does The Car Scrapping Process Work?

We’ve refined the process to be as hassle-free and quick as possible to the point that our customers regularly comment on how convenient it was to scrap their car. We’ve simplified the process into two easy steps:

step 1 iconStep One: Finding the right buyer

Historically, customers may have been charged for the removal of their vehicles and some existing companies have been known to include hidden collection fees; however, we ensure that our buyers operate honestly in all aspects of their service. Not only do our buyers collect the vehicle from you for free, but the quote you accept is what you’ll get, guaranteed. There are no hidden fees or collection charges, just car scrapping made simple.

What happens if my vehicle is not worth buying for scrap?

We’ve taken care of that too. Due to close partnerships with our buyers, we are able to offer a free collection service , to take your vehicle to the closest Government Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF) and recycle it for you, free of charge. Although, in the majority of cases, you should receive some money for your vehicle, as long as it is complete and hasn’t already been dismantled.

How do I find out how much my scrap car is worth?

Simply add your car vehicle registration number and postcode into our simple quote form. Our system will then compare scrap & salvage prices from a national scrap car network of buyers to ensure that you sell your car the best price.

step 2 iconStep Two: Collection & Payment

Once you have accepted the quote, our team will be in contact to discuss everything with you and answer any questions you may have. Our buyers will then be in touch to arrange a convenient time to collect the vehicle. Customer peace of mind is important to us, so as long as the vehicle is accessible by a recovery vehicle, our buyers will always ensure that the vehicle is collected from a location, and on a date, which is mutually convenient. Whether that’s on your drive, a nearby road, a local garage or even further afield. In some circumstances your vehicle can also be collected without you being present, however this varies from buyer-to-buyer and is discussed on a case-by-case basis.

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getting paid for your scrap carHow Do I Receive Payment For Scrapping My Car?

Payment terms vary from collector to collector, but in most cases you will receive instant payment upon collection. The majority of our collectors pay via instant bank transfer; however, business cheques are also a recognised and common form of payment within the industry. The safety of our customers is paramount and due to recent legislation, our buyers do not make payments in cash for vehicles destined to be scrapped or dismantled.

Payment Received notification on mobile phone screen

Reasons to scrap a carReasons People Consider Scrapping Their Car.

There are a variety of reasons you’d consider scrapping a car, with some of the most common being:

In fact, clear air zones have recently become an even more popular reason for scrapping a car. New schemes have led to a 53% increase in scrap demand within London.

However, there are also more positive reasons that you might consider scrapping your car too. Such as:

  • Upgrading your car to a newer model
  • Freeing up existing parking space

If it’s your first time dealing with scrapping a car due to any of these reasons it can be quite daunting, especially when it comes to knowing what the next steps should be. Our buyers deal with vehicles in all types of condition daily. In addition to being sympathetic towards the troubles and heartache of scrapping your car, they’re also an incredible resource as they know the industry like the back of their hand.

Environmental impact of car scrappageWill Scrapping My Car Impact The Environment?

It’s a common thought when you scrap your vehicle that your vehicle gets put into a crusher, turned into a cube and the metal is melted to be made into more cars; however, the process is a lot more intricate than that. Scrapping cars has a balanced impact, as whilst taking cars with dangerous emission levels off the road is positive for the environment, it also uses energy to recycle those vehicles.

Just because a vehicle is reaching the end of its life, doesn’t necessarily mean it has to be scrapped. It may still hold value for its individual parts. In instances where this happens the parts are sold on and used as parts for somebody else’s vehicle, rather than going through the process of using energy to melt the vehicle. There are many elements which are taken into consideration by the scrapyard when scrapping a vehicle as different parts need to be recycled in different ways. Fluids such as coolants, oils and fuels will be recycled differently to the battery. All of the scrap yards, waste and recycling sites we work with are Authorised Treatment Facilities, so the recycling and scrapping of cars follows governmental guidelines for doing so in an environmentally friendly manner.

Scrap Car Comparison MascotSome of the charities we work with

Scrap Car Comparison MascotWhere’s The Best Place To Scrap My Car For Money?

Founded in 2008, Scrap Car Comparison has spent years becoming one of the most reputable and well-known comparison firms in the industry, which means you can rely on us to get you the best price for your vehicle. With a dedicated and experienced team, and a network of trusted buyers for you to sell your car to that operate from John O’Groats to Land’s End and everywhere in between, Scrap Car Comparison not only offer the best in terms of price comparison, but in terms of service.

To get started today, call our team on 03333 44 99 50 or get an instant online quote.

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