An electric car charges on a sunny day in a residential street

Do You Have To Tax An Electric Car?

Car tax is one of the many, many extra charges that you have to deal with after you become the proud owner of your own vehicle. For many, it’s relatively cheap these days (under £30) whereas some drivers still face fees on the wrong side of £100 if their car or van is older and less environmentally friendly. So, by that measure, pollution-free electric cars shouldn’t need to be taxed, right? Find out below…

If the fees are racking up with your internal combustion engine car (including petrol or diesel) then perhaps it’s time to switch to an EV. Or maybe your ageing electric vehicle has seen better days? Whatever the reason, consider selling your vehicle with Scrap Car Comparison and we’ll track down the very best prices offered by professional scrap & salvage buyers in your local area. With a network that spans 99% of the UK, we’re able to put you in touch with licensed Authorised Treatment Facilities (ATFs) that can dispose of your car or van – after they’ve also collected it at no extra cost! 

Vehicle tax reminder letter with car keys and money

Do You Have To Pay Road Tax On Electric Cars?

Yes and no, but let us explain. Road tax is currently free for electric vehicles, meaning you won’t need to pay a penny to make up for the poor air quality other vehicles are contributing to.

Which Vehicles Are Exempt From Road Tax?

The list of vehicles that are exempt from road tax requirements is actually quite extensive, but some of the categories on the list are incredibly niche. Check out the list below, with additional info where required, as explained on the government’s own website:

  • Vehicles used by a disabled person
  • Disabled passenger vehicles (excluding ambulances)
  • Historic vehicles (made before 1984)
  • Mobility wheelchairs & powered wheelchairs
    • With a maximum speed of 8mph & limited to 4mph on footways
  • Electric vehicles (but not hybrids)
  • Mowing machines
  • Steam-powered vehicles
  • Vehicles used for agriculture, horticulture & forestry
    • Including tractors, agricultural engines, light agricultural vehicles used off-road & limited-use vehicles

Do I Still Have To Tax My Electric Car If It’s Exempt?

Even though EVs are exempt, you do still have to tax your car. Sounds confusing, right? We know, but that’s just the way the government wants things done. You have to go through the regular process of taxing your vehicle, when you come to the part where you normally have to whip out your bank card, you can relax – it will be free!

Make the switch to electric, or sell your old, broken EV. Call Scrap Car Comparison and we can get you the best deals for it, offered by professional scrap & salvage dealers based in your local area. We’ll even arrange for the collection of your vehicle to be completed, totally free of charge, from anywhere on our network across the UK! Give us a call on 03333 44 99 50 or use our scrap value calculator to get a quote now!

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