Two Marie Curie nurses

We’re Supporting Marie Curie this August!

Scrap Car Comparison is proud to be supporting Marie Curie this August as our featured charity, raising money to help support everyone in the UK through all aspects of dying, death and bereavement.

Marie Curie Support Line Operator

The charity was established in 1948 but can trace its history back to the Marie Curie hospital founded in 1930, which was bombed during the blitz. Five of the committee members of the original hospital decided to continue as a charitable cause instead of becoming a new NHS hospital. Fundraisers for the charity included Alice Macpherson, who generously donated her diamond engagement ring, which sold for £75.

Over the next 75 years, the charity has expanded its services to include nine hospices, a home nursing service, free telephone Support Line and Bereavement services. Marie Curie’s researchers push to discover more about what makes a good end of life, and policy experts and campaigners fight for a society where everyone gets to have the best possible quality of life while living with an illness they’re likely to die from. One in fourteen of people dying in the UK receive care and support from Marie Curie, with the charity estimating that by 2048 the need for end of life care will have increased by up to 25% compared to today.

You can help Marie Curie provide its services to those in need by choosing to donate through our Donate-A-Car scheme. When selling your car with Scrap Car Comparison you can choose to donate some – or even every single penny – of the profits to our featured charity. We’ve worked with some of the biggest charities in the country and raised thousands of pounds towards important work across a huge spectrum of causes. For further information on how this scheme works, we’ve put together a handy FAQ document, which can be found here.

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