Scrapping a Fiesta

Can I Scrap my Car for Cash?

Here at Scrap Car Comparison, we’re experts in helping you to scrap your vehicle, whether it’s old, broken or written off. Our scrap value calculator makes securing a quote for your car, van or motorcycle quick and easy, and we’re on board to support you throughout the process.

One question we’re often asked is whether it’s possible to scrap your car for cash? This depends on what you mean by ‘for cash’, so we’ve broken this down into two possible interpretations:

  • Can I scrap my car for payment?
  • Can I scrap my car for physical cash?

Can I Scrap My Car For Payment?

Absolutely you can! No matter what condition your car is in, its remaining parts will be worth something to a scrap dealer. Dealers will strip out valuable parts to sell or reuse, recycle the elements they can and then will sell the remaining scrap metal for use elsewhere. This means that even if the car seems old or undrivable, you will still be able to use our scrap value calculator to find the best quote to have your vehicle collected and removed. Our network of scrap dealers covers the whole of the UK, so you’ll have plenty of options to choose from.

Can I Scrap My Car For Physical Cash?

If you’re wondering whether you can sell your car for actual money that you can hold in your hand, unfortunately the answer is no. There’s a set of laws and regulations in the UK called the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013, which specifically declares that cars cannot be scrapped for physical cash, only through bank transfers. Anyone known to breach this rule could be liable for at least a fine.

This may seem like an annoying rule, but there’s actually a good reason behind it – prior to the introduction of the Act in 2013, car thefts were on the rise, with many being stolen and sold for scrap. The Scrap Metal Dealers Act included not just this regulation banning physical cash for scrap, but also guidelines for the documentation and ID that need to be shown to prove ownership. Since 2013, the number of these offences has dropped by an incredible 79%, helping to protect drivers and make the scrapping process both more legitimate and safer.

When you arrange the collection of your vehicle, the payment will be with you typically on the same day, but can take up to 48 hours, so you won’t need to wait long for a secure payment.

We have more information on the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 here if you’re interested in learning about it.

Meanwhile, if you’re ready to scrap your car, then we can help you find a scrap dealer near you by connecting you to our huge network to secure you the best quote.

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