Scrap My SsangYong

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Thinking of scrapping your SsangYong car or truck? We’ve got you covered.

Get the best scrap yards in your area to bid for your SsangYong ensuring you get a fast and reliable scrap service.

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We scrap all kinds of SsangYong vehicles

✅ Non starters

✅ MOT failures

✅ Insurance write offs

✅ Damaged vehicles

✅ Petrol and diesel models

✅ Uneconomical cars and trucks

✅ Missing paperwork

✅ Breakdowns

✅ SORN vehicles

✅ Electric models

Despite SsangYong being a highly regarded Japanese brand with good reliability, eventually running and maintenance costs can outweigh the vehicle’s worth. But the good news is we scrap based on car weight rather than mechanical issues – ensuring you a fair and transparent price every time.

Scrap your SsangYong with us

number one iconStep One: Generate a Quote

Go to the top of the page and fill in your SsangYong’s registration plate and postcode. We’ll get your vehicle weight and find the best scrap yards near you who will bid for your vehicle.

number 2 iconStep Two: Accept an Offer

Accept the best offer we’ve been able to find for you. It’s a no obligation way of letting us know you’re happy with how we’ve priced your vehicle.

number 3 iconStep Three: Collection and Payment

Our team will help arrange collection of your SsangYong at a convenient time. You’ll get the price we originally quoted on the day of collection via secure bank transfer.

Alternatively you can phone our dedicated customer support team 7 days week

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How we price your SsangYong model

When you get a quote with us we’ll use your registration plate to find all of the relevant details; model, year manufactured, weight, MOT status, estimated mileage. This gives us a good idea of whether your car needs to be scrapped or could be salvaged. If your SsangYong is deemed necessary to be scrapped then we’ll check prices from the best scrap yards in your area. They’ll bid for your car based on its weight rather than condition, mileage or existing faults.

In a lot of cases we are able to salvage your car which gives you a bigger cash payment than simply scrapping it. Salvaging means finding a buyer from your car from across the UK who will either attempt to fix it or strip it for parts. Whereas scrap prices are based on your vehicle’s weight, salvage prices are based on overall condition, mileage, any existing damage and ease of repair. We accept:

Did you know: SsangYong specialises in SUVs

Despite being in the industry since the 1950s, SsangYong has never been able to topple the other Korean heavyweights like Kia and Hyundai. This could be because the brand has only ever produced three models that weren’t an SUV, truck, bus or van. In fact, at the time of writing in 2023, they only make one pickup, alongside an arsenal of five SUVs and nothing else!

SsangYong scrap trends

Known for their 4×4 speciality, be it a hardy pickup or comfortable SUV, SsangYong is a brand that conjures up images of strength and reliability. However, things can, and do, go wrong and Scrap Car Comparison is here when it does. Here’s some interesting themes we’ve seen from scrapping thousands of SsangYong cars…

Most scrapped models: We mostly saw the Rexton (34% of all scrapped models), SsangYong’s popular SUV. We see a lot of Rodius models too (27%), which has since been discontinued. The Korando (20%), another of the brand’s SUVs, is also seen prominently.

Most scrapped year: Our most scrapped years are 2009, 2005, 2006 and then 2012. This suggests that SsangYong does have worse than average reliability as most cars scrapped last year were originally registered in 2007.

Most scrapped locations: Popular areas where there’s a high concentration of SsangYong drivers are Lancashire, the West Midlands, County Antrim and Kent.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Can I scrap my SsangYong car or truck?

Yes you can scrap your car or truck with us and we’ll compare offers to ensure you get the best price for your SsangYong. We scrap all kinds of SsangYong models from the popular models all the way through to rarities and imports. Simply go to the top of the page and provide your vehicle’s registration plate and your postcode, we’ll do the rest.

What affects my SsangYong scrap value?

There are a number of factors that contribute to the scrap value of a SsangYong vehicle. Predominantly, the weight will determine its value, however other factors, such as the age of the vehicle, its overall condition and model can also impact the car’s scrap value.

My SsangYong is too good to scrap – what now?

If you think your SsangYong car may be too good to scrap, we can still take it off your hands hassle free. We’ve teamed up with a network of trusted salvage buyers who will buy your SsangYong to reuse its working parts. Our dedicated customer support team will arrange for the vehicle to be picked up directly from your driveway or local garage.

If you’re planning to scrap your SsangYong, use our Scrap Car Comparison calculator today, or get in touch to speak to a member of our team.

Call our team on 03333 44 99 50 or simply fill in our instant online quote form.
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