Dundee’s Low Emission Zone (LEZ)

In line with the other three largest cities in Scotland, Dundee has implemented a Low Emission Zone (LEZ) Scheme in the city centre. Let Scrap Car Comparison guide you through everything you need to know, from where it is to who’s effected and, importantly, how much it’ll cost.

Where is the LEZ in place?

The LEZ can be easily traced from a map, with the A991 Inner Ring Road acting as the boundary line. However, the Bell Street, Wellgate and West Marketgair NCP car parks are all excluded from the scheme.

A full map, put together by Dundee City Council, can be found on the council’s website (1.7MB PDF).

Do I need to pay the daily fee?

Dundee’s LEZ follows the same regulations as all LEZs implemented within Scotland, which sees older, more polluting vehicles penalised. Vehicles that do not meet the following criteria will be affected by the LEZ:

•    Euro 4 for petrol cars and vans (generally vehicles registered from 2006)

•    Euro 6 for diesel cars and vans (generally vehicles registered from September 2015)

•    Euro VI for buses, coaches and HGVs (generally vehicles registered from January 2013)

Motorcycles and mopeds are exempt from the scheme, and implementation of the fines for non-compliant vehicles will not take place until the summer of 2024. Certain vehicles (emergency vehicles, armed forces vehicles, historic vehicles, showman vehicles and vehicles for disabled persons) are all listed under national exemptions, while certain non-compliant vehicles can apply for a ‘time-limited exemption’ to Dundee City Council.

Full details on exemptions and compliancy can be found on the Dundee City Council website.

How much will I pay?

As is consistent across all of Scotland’s Low Emissions Zones, the iinitial penalty charge is £60 – reduced by 50% if paid within 14 days. This figure will then double with each subsequent breach of rules detected in the same LEZ. There is an upper cap on charges, which sits at £480 for cars and light goods vehicles and £960 for buses, coaches and HGVs. The penalty is reset to the base figure (£60) if there are no further breaches within a 90 day period.

Can I get a grant to get a compliant vehicle?

Support funding is available from the Scottish Government through the Energy Saving Trust, providing either the household or business applying meets the acceptable criteria. Eligible households can apply for up to £3,000 in funding, which includes £2,000 towards safe disposal of a non-compliant vehicle.

Full details on who can apply, and how to do so, can be found on the Low Emissions Scotland website.

Get the best price with no restrictions from Scrap Car Comparison

If you don’t qualify for one of Low Emissions Scotland’s grants, or are looking for a quicker solution, then that’s where Scrap Car Comparison comes in. With our unrivalled network of scrap and salvage specialists waiting to get hold of your old car. We’ll happily take your car, no matter its condition, and will ensure that you receive only the very best value possible for your old car.

Use our quick and easy online quote generator to find out how much your old car could be worth, and with our buyers based all over the nation, we’ll even come and collect it from your driveway at no cost to you. Get started today and ensure that you never fall foul of Scotland’s Low Emission Zones.

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