The Rage Yard

We can all agree that 2020 has been a write-off, it’s left many of us feeling stressed, frustrated and angry. So, we thought what better way to let go of the year by releasing all of that built up frustration and letting loose on scrap cars that have a one way ticket to the scrap heap! 

Welcome to the Rage Yard…

We’ve teamed up with Tanks-A-Lot in Northamptonshire to offer a lucky group the chance to try our new Rage Yard experience. Grab 5 friends, pick up some guns and hop aboard a 56 tonne Chieftain battle tank for the ultimate destruction therapy!

The first part of the experience will involve loading shotguns and taking aim at scrap cars and shooting them to pieces! Think of what’s got you down this year: Lockdown life? Cancelled holidays? Missed celebrations? Too many Zoom calls? Take aim and FIRE!

The second half will involve driving a modified Chieftain battle tank – the same tank used in Fast & Furious 6 movie! Feel the awesome power of the souped up battle tank as you crush scrap cars under 56 tonnes of pure armour. Plus, unleash the tank’s cannon to destroy the scrap car in a ball of flames…the perfect way to destroy all of your 2020 anger.

Worldwide interest

The Rage Yard has proven popular in many countries around the world. It seems we’ve all had enough and are ready to say goodbye to 2020! The Rage Yard has been featured in Ladbible, BBC Top Gear Magazine, CNN, Fox News and more.

Director of Scrap Car Comparison, Dan Gick, spoke to CTV News in Toronto, Canada about the Rage Yard and how it came to be, watch below:

Benefits of Destruction Therapy

Destruction Therapy is nothing new, rage rooms and destructive sessions have been around for awhile, but does it have proven benefits? We asked Chartered Psychologist Dr. Samia Latif what she thought: “Certain individuals find that relieving tension in an overt physical manner is much more therapeutic and a form of stress relief that works better for them. This is known as ‘Destruction Therapy’ and it does allow people to relieve stress within a controlled environment.

This year, some people have been overwhelmed with stress and tension and the type of destruction therapy offered by the Rage Yard experience may be an ideal way to release stress for those who have not benefited from other therapeutic strategies that have been recommended for them, and who are more inclined to need physical exertion at greater levels than the knitting needle or paintbrush!” 

Entry to the Rage Yard has now closed.

An old Peugeot in a field with other destroyed cars. The Peugeot has been shot with a flare gun
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