
How Are Car Scrapping Quotes Generated?

Here at Scrap Car Comparison, we’re proud to be able to help anyone scrapping their vehicle to secure a range of quotes from our huge network of scrap dealers across the UK. With just a few details from you, we can supply a wealth of scrapping quotes in just 30 seconds, meaning you can get the best price possible for your unwanted car, vehicle or motorcycle.

The speed and efficiency of our process has many of our customers wondering.. just how is that possible?

How are Scrap Quotes Generated?

We’ve already mentioned our trusted network of dealers – well, we work closely with them to make sure you’re getting the best price for your old vehicle. This is how we’re able to supply you with these offers so quickly.

1. Our expertise means we know the key questions to ask you to determine the different issues that could affect the price of your vehicle – whether it has all its parts or can still drive. 

2. We are in constant communication with each of the scrap yards and dealers on our network – we know exactly how much they’re willing to pay for collections of different distances (so, how far you’re located from their scrap yard), as well as what quote they’d supply for each car make and model, weight and condition.

3. We’ll use this information to quickly and efficiently supply you with all the quotes you’ll need – by knowing our dealers so well, we can confidently provide you with the amount they’d willingly pay to collect your vehicle.

4. These quotes are then guaranteed and valid for 24 hours – after this time, the price may change based on the constantly shifting prices scrap metal can achieve.

How are Scrap Prices Worked Out?

As mentioned above, there are a few different issues that affect the price of your car. You can find out more about how scrap vehicles are valued here, but some of the key factors include:

  • The car weight: heavier cars will provide a greater value.
  • The make of the vehicle: in the same way as buying a car, some vehicle makes can fetch a higher price than others.
  • The model of the vehicle: similarly, some models are worth more than others.
  • The condition of the car: if the vehicle, or at least many of its parts, is salvageable, then it’s worth more to the dealer.
  • Shifting scrap prices: the value of scrap metal itself is constantly changing, which can change the quote you’ll get on a day-to-day basis.

If you’re ready to scrap your vehicle, then why not get a quote from us now? A dealer could be ready to collect your car in as little as a couple of days!

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