Aberdeen’s Low Emission Zone (LEZ)

As with a number of the largest cities in Scotland, Aberdeen introduced a Low Emission Zone in May 2022, although enforcement only began in the summer of 2024. Let Scrap Car Comparison guide you through everything you need to know, from where it is to how much it’ll cost – and more importantly who needs to pay.

Where are the zones in place?

Aberdeen’s Low Emission Zone currently sits right at the heart of the city centre, and is outlined by a number of key roads running through the metropolis. The northern boundary is outlined by Schoolhill and Skene Street – as far as Rose Street, which then forms the western border, before picking up Holburn Street down to the junction with Willowbank Road. Willowbank Road forms the southern border and the eastern border is outlined by the A956.

For a full map detailing the areas encompassed within this Zone, Aberdeen City Council has put together a highlighted map and complete list of roads affected, both of which can be found on the council’s website. 

Do I need to pay the daily fee?

Yes. Following a two-year grace period, enforcement of the LEZ came into effect on 1 June 2024. As is the case across most of the Clean Air Schemes in Britain, petrol vehicles of Euro 4 standard and Diesel vehicles of Euro 6 standard is acceptable within the scheme – this effectively means any petrol-powered vehicle from before 2006, or any diesel-powered vehicle from the start of 2015 or earlier, must pay the charge.

How much will I pay?

Any non-compliant vehicle which enters the zone will have to pay a £60 Penalty Charge Notice – or 50% of this fee if paid within 14 days. This charge will be doubled if the same vehicle re-enters the zone within 90 days, and will continue to be doubled up to a maximum of £480 for cars or light goods vehicles and £960 for minibuses, coaches or heavy goods vehicles.

Can I get a grant to get a compliant vehicle?

There is a grant system in place where households can apply for a £2000 payment towards a compliant vehicle. These are being provided nationwide by Low Emission Zones Scotland, the full details of which, including who can apply and any restrictions, can be found on the Low Emissions Zones Scotland website.

Get the best price for your old car with Scrap Car Comparison

If you are looking to go green but don’t qualify for a grant from Low Emissions Zones Scotland, then Scrap Car Comparison is here to make things that little bit easier for you. We’ll take your old gas guzzler and provide you with the very best price for it – no matter what condition it’s in. From there, the process could be completed in just a couple of days, meaning by the end of the week the money (which is paid directly into your account on the day of collection) you could be signing on the dotted line for your all-new compliant vehicle. 

Use our online quote generator to receive your price in just a matter of moments, and one of our friendly team will be in touch to iron out the details. With buyers dotted all over the country we’ll even arrange for your car to be collected directly from your driveway – at no cost to you. 

Get started today and before you know it you’ll be happily motoring through the Scottish cities safe in the knowledge that you won’t be incurring any penalties.

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