One of the worst sightings when you return to your car after a long day’s shopping is to see that sparkle of silver from your blackwalls, or perhaps you’ve noticed that your tyre is slowly losing pressure and upon closer inspection see the culprit staring back at you – a nail. What can you do in that situation? How easy is it to remove, or fix the tyre, or can you just simply motor along like normal?
Any damage can feel like the end of the world as a driver, and if a nail in the tyre is simply the tip of the iceberg when it comes to problems with your car, you might find that scrapping the lot is a simpler solution altogether. That’s where Scrap Car Comparison comes in. With a nationwide network of scrap and salvage specialists at our disposal, we can guarantee you the very best price for your car in a simple, hassle-free manner. Simply call our team or use the online quote generator to find out just how much your car could be worth in as little as 60 seconds.

What to do if you find a nail in your tyre?
The first thing on your agenda should be to check your tyre pressures. If you don’t have the ability to do this at home then you should – carefully – drive to the nearest petrol station or garage that offers the ability to carry out said checks.
If the pressure has dropped dramatically, then do not drive it and fit the spare before you drive any further. Alternatively, if there’s little-to-no dip in the readout, then you should be okay to carry on driving on it. However, don’t think this is a get-out-of-jail-free card. While you can drive on it, it should only be to driven it to the nearest tyre centre, auto parts retailer or garage to get the tyre fixed accordingly.
Can I drive a tyre with a nail in it
Driving when you know there’s a nail in your tyre is something that can’t really be recommended. Your tyre will be expelling air, even a tiny amount, and driving a car with a puncture could result in a blowout. Replacing a slow puncture is a much safer option, for yourself and other road users.
Can you patch a nail hole in a tyre
Patching a tyre, as opposed to completely replacing it entirely, will depend on where the nail has penetrated. If you’re ‘lucky’ enough for it to be in the centre of the tyre and not affecting the structure at all, then you could simply repair the damaged area and carry on motoring as normal.
Do you have to replace a tyre with a nail in it?
As above, this will entirely depend on where the nail is in relation to your tyre. If it’s in a central location in the tread then you could get away with a simple repair. If the intrusion has occurred near the shoulder or the sidewall of the tyre, then a replacement is a much better, and safer, option for you to avoid any potential dramas further down the road.
How much does it cost to replace a tyre with a nail in it?
If you’re able to simply repair the tyre instead of replacing it entirely, then you could be looking at a cost of just £25-£30. These repairs can be carried out by most high street auto parts retailers, or any tyre specialist. Alternatively, a brand new tyre will depend on the quality of tyre you’re looking to have fitted. Low end tyres can start at £50-£70 per tyre, whereas higher-quality tyres could start around £220 per tyre and rise as far as £1,200.
Get the best price with Scrap Car Comparison
If a nail in the tyre is just a scratch compared to some of your other mechanical maladies, then it might simply be time to say goodbye to your car as a whole. We work with specialist buyers across the country, meaning we can find you the very best price no matter where you are. Our buyers are all certified, meaning your car will be recycled in line with all legal requirements, and can guarantee you the very best price, whatever the condition of your car. Get started today and see just how much your old set of wheels could be worth.