What Battery Can I Use For My Audi; And How to Replace It

Got power problems with your Audi? Maybe it’s time for a new battery, but how do you go about changing it? And what type do you need? Taking one look at the battery shelf in a supermarket will show you just how wide-ranging batteries can be, and it’s the same for car batteries. So, what do you need, and how do you switch it? Read on to find out.

But first, if you’re fairly sure that your problems run deeper than just a dodgy battery and could be something much more serious, then perhaps repairing just isn’t a good idea in the end. By using Scrap Car Comparison, you’re guaranteed to get the very best price for your Audi, no matter its condition. Just one call is all it takes, and we’ll scour the market for the biggest quotes in just a matter of minutes.

What type of batteries does an Audi use?

Most batteries found in Audis today are referred to as value-regulated lead-acid batteries, or a VRLA. These are commonly known as rechargeable sealed batteries. These batteries are designed to adjust the voltage depending on what is needed of them. VRLA batteries are also present on models from other top German manufacturers such as Porsche, Mercedes-Benz and BMW.

Do different models of Audi need different batteries?

They do, and not just different types of batteries, but different sizes, too. It’s important to familiarise yourself with the type of Audi you drive, and what battery it needs so when the time comes, you’re able to put the right power pack in.

What happens if you put the wrong battery in an Audi?

The wrong battery in an Audi, or any car for that matter, could have detrimental effects on the way your car operates across the board. It could cause current flow changes, meaning your car could be subjected to too much, or not enough, power as you drive along. This in turn can cause problems with the car’s onboard computer systems.

How to find the right battery for your Audi?

The easiest way to ensure you’re using the right battery for your Audi is to check with your owner’s manual. This will be specifically written for your car, so you can be safe in the knowledge you’re using the right battery. If you’re struggling to find your manual, then ask a specialist at a parts shop, whether a garage or a high street option, and they’ll be able to help you find the correct unit.

Can I replace my Audi’s battery myself?

If you’re pretty confident when it comes to popping the bonnet and you know what’s where within your engine bay, then changing a battery shouldn’t be a problem for you. Just make sure you are familiar with your car, and have assurance you’ve got the right model, and it’ll be a good way to save money on a garage bill for something as simple as a battery replacement.

When your battery has been replaced, the next job is to work out what to do with it once its out. You might consider selling it, although it’s worth being aware that prices for scrap batteries aren’t particularly high.

How to replace your Audi’s battery?

Changing a car battery is a little more complex than changing the AA batteries in your TV remote, but the basics aren’t that far removed. To start with, search for the negative and positive terminals on the battery itself (the positive will likely have a plastic cover on it). Loosen the negative bolt and remove the cable, taking care to not touch the positive terminal at all, and then repeat for the positive terminal, ensuring not to touch the negative terminal.

Once the cables are disconnected you can remove the clamp holding the battery itself in place, and then you can remove the old battery. Check for any corrosion on the cables and remove with a wire brush if necessary. Now replace the old battery with the new one, making sure it’s the right way around, and reconnect the cables in the reverse order to how you disconnected. 

What is the life of a battery?

All Audi batteries for its e-tron electric car range come with a warranty lasting eight years or 100,000 miles, whichever comes sooner. For most car batteries, however, the lifespan is expected to last three to four years.
If your Audi needs more than just a new battery and nothing you throw at it seems to fix your problems, then you may find your best option is to sell with Scrap Car Comparison. We have ATF partners and collection agents based all over the UK, which means we’re able to collect your car directly from your door, totally free of charge, no matter where you are. All it takes is one phone call to us on 03333 44 99 50 or to simply use our scrap car price calculator to get your vehicle priced up today!

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