The Importance of Authorised Treatment Facilities

When it comes to scrapping your car you may not think about the importance or impact of the scrap yard that it is processed. And whilst this is understandable, Scrap Car Comparison believes that this how your car is disposed of should be something you consider when you choose your scrap yard.

Many do not realise that it is a criminal offence to keep and recycle scrap cars without a permit that has been allocated by the Environment Agency, and the Environment Agency also has the power to approve a scrap yard as an Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF).

Why to use an approved Authorised Treatment Facility?

An ATF has the ability to issue a certificate of destruction and can therefore advise the DVLA that your car has been destroyed. Whilst this may seem like a minor, paperwork heavy, part of the process, this certificate is the proof that your car no longer exists and will ensure that you will not be expected to either purchase tax discs or register SORN against your vehicle.

This approval is more than just a way of checking the process of the scrap yard when it comes to documentation. Being an ATF is a sign that the yard has adequate facilities in which to carry out the work, and their processes are mindful of the environment and how we all have a part to play in its protection.

So how does a scrap yard obtain ATF status?

There are certain points that have to be ticked off by the Environment Agency in order to obtain ATF approval.
These are:

  • Cars should be de-polluted within 4 days of arriving onto the premises, this is whether they are going to be used for spares or will be scrapped completely.
  • Your premises must be secure and protected. This is to ensure that no trespassers can enter the site.
  • You must make steps to ensure that any hazardous fluids do not spill out into the surrounding environment. Spillage kits must be placed around the site.
  • There is a limit on the amount of waste that can be accepted into the site per year, this is set to 25,000 tonnes of waste metal and 5,000 tonnes of waste motor vehicles.
  • You are not allowed to burn any wastes, whether this is within an open space or in an incinerator.

All of this ensures your car is recycled in accordance with strict guidelines which does not adversely affect the environment. This includes ensuring that more hazardous materials, such as car batteries, are safely disposed of without any environmental risks.

If a scrap yard near you can fulfil these important criteria points then they can receive their ATF approval and you can feel safe in the knowledge that your scrap is in the best hands. Many scrap yards will proudly display their ATF and a quick search on Google will show you just how many businesses out there recognise the importance of the environment and the dedication to preserving our planet.

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