2020 is here and we’re delighted to be supporting the Teenage Cancer Trust throughout January.
Every day in the UK 7 young people hear the life changing words ‘you have cancer’. Going through cancer at this age can throw life completely off track. When most young people are focused on their friends, first romantic relationships, education – and working out what their future will hold; a young person with cancer, like Connor pictured above must focus on survival.

Wendy was just 17 when she was diagnosed with cancer. She explains
“I really do think every young person who is diagnosed with cancer deserves to be supported by Teenage Cancer Trust – they really do make all the difference. The support I received has completely changed my journey and they are a large part of why I am still around today.”
You can read more about Wendy’s full experience on the Teenage Cancer Trust website.
Right now, we can only help half of young people like Wendy who are diagnosed with cancer. By using Scrap Car Comparison this month you can help us make sure that no young person faces cancer alone.