Reflection, Support & Fundraising

2020 was a devastating year for many, and charities up and down the UK have felt the crippling effects of the pandemic, which is still affecting millions around the world. 

At Scrap Car Comparison we have made our mission to make a difference, one charity at a time.

Throughout March, Scrap Car Comparison has been supporting and fundraising for Marie Curie. Our Donate A Car Scheme allows customers to donate some, or all of the profit of their scrap car value to a chosen charity.

In addition to fundraising, we also came together with Marie Curie and millions of people across the UK for the National Day of Reflection.

National Day of Reflection

The 23rd March 2021 marked a whole year since the first lockdown restrictions came into place in the UK. Nobody knew just how long they would last, and the events that would unfold. 

National Day of Reflection was about bringing people from all backgrounds, communities, and all parts of the UK together, to reflect on the tragic loss of life we’ve all felt over the last year and support all those who are grieving. It was also about hope, hoping for a brighter future and awaiting the better days that lie ahead.

Scrap Car Comparison proudly sponsored the enormous meadow-filled cross at Winchester Cathedral, to offer our continued support and awareness for the wonderful services that Marie Curie provides. Winchester Cathedral welcomed members of the public into a safe, comforting space to reflect, show support and to hope. The cathedral held a minute’s silence at noon, followed by an evensong performance from the full cathedral choir later in the day, a special reading was also given from TV presenter Alan Titchmarsh MBE. There was an opportunity to light a candle, and take a moment in the peaceful surroundings.

The giant cross was made up of daffodils, primrose, cilla and mascari and surrounded by candles.

You can donate to Marie Curie, or any of our other featured charities through our Donate A Car Scheme. Find out more in our Charity FAQs or read our top 5 reasons why you should donate through our wonderful scheme!

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