BEFKAW UK Driving Licence photo ID with European Union logo. Image shot 09/2009. Exact date unknown.

The Driving Licence Counterpart Goes Digital

As of yesterday (08th June 2015), the paper counterpart to UK photocard driving licences will no longer have legal status and will be replaced with a new online management system. In order to view your information you can now go to GOV.UK website, which is now easily shareable with the people who need your details via secure ‘check codes’. This allows both you, and those you require to access your information quickly, efficiently, and paper free.

This new system sets out to not only ensure a more ecological solution but an economical one too. In their press release, the DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) stated that they replaced 445,000 lost counterpart licences in 2014 at a charge of £20 each. That works out at a staggering £8,900,000 spent in replacements a year!

Do I Need To Do Anything?

If you already hold a paper counterpart, you might as well destroy it because it is effectively, null and void. However, it’s worth remembering that you still need to keep your current photocard driving licence (or old style paper licence if it was issued before 1998). To try it out now simply head to to view your details, share with 3rd parties (via check codes), and download or print a summary of your information.

>Please note: These changes will only apply to Great Britain licences as driving licensing is a dissolved issue in Northern Ireland. For more information on what has changed and how it affects you, head over to for more details.

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