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One Big Family Throughout August

Supporting Family Lives throughout the month of August

Throughout the month of August, we have partnered with Family Lives as we look to raise some much needed funds for them.

This is why we have chosen to support them as our ‘Featured Charity of the Month’:

Families are the foundation of society

20% of children in the UK are living in poverty; over four million are growing up in single parent families; 1 in 4 parents will live with a mental health issue this year. Almost a million children live with parents who abuse alcohol; 20% have lived with domestic abuse and almost four million have been bullied at school.

It does not take much to tip vulnerable children and families into crisis and there is a lack of support available when families are in need of support.

Family Lives believe that all families should have access to active support and understanding. Family Lives strives to transform the lives of families making happier relationships, happier families and a stronger society. Their experience enables them to help families with any problem or challenge that they face including family breakdown, bullying, emotional and mental health and behaviour.

How Family Lives make a difference

Their helpline provides free, confidential, seven days a week support and advice. It is a lifeline for many children and families. 97% of callers tell them that they are now better able to deal with their issues. As one caller told said, “Family Lives saved my life. If I hadn’t had your helpline to call I’d have been feeling the same isolation others do.”

Family Lives provide support and advice through their helpline, online advice and their work in communities through befriending and outreach. Their volunteers make a valuable contribution and enable them to continue providing vital support to families in need. Family Lives use the knowledge gained through their work to inform, support and train professionals and campaign for changes to improve and support family life.

Reg charity number: 1077722.

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