Charity logos 2022

We’re Supporting Disabled Motoring UK this June!

Scrap Car Comparison is delighted to support Disabled Motoring UK as our featured charity this June and support disabled road users.

Disabled Motoring UK can trace its roots back over a century, and was founded out of the merger of the Disabled Drivers Motor Club (DDMC) and the Disabled Drivers’ Association. The DDMC was founded in 1922 by seven WWI veterans and immediately began campaigning to ensure disabled drivers were permitted to drive, after proposals to ban disabled drivers under the Road Traffic Bill.

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Meanwhile, the Disabled Drivers’ Association was founded in 1947 by O.A.Denley after suffering paralysis from the waist down after contracting polio. Denley, known as Denny, travelled from London to Geneva, having scaled three mountains, all on his mobility trike. Originally titled the Invalid Tricycle Association, the charity would evolve into the Disabled Drivers’ Association, before the DDA and DDMC merged to form Disabled Motoring UK in 2005.

Today, Disabled Motoring UK is the only charity in the UK that represents the interests of Blue Badge holders and disabled motorists at a national level. The charity works with both the Government and businesses across the country to improve parking, refuelling, and access provision for disabled people, so that they can access the goods and services they need.

You can help Disabled Motoring UK continue to grant these wishes by choosing to donate through our Donate-A-Car scheme. When selling your car with Scrap Car Comparison you can choose to donate some – or even every single penny – of the profits to our featured charity. We’ve worked with some of the biggest charities in the country and raised thousands of pounds towards important work across a huge spectrum of causes. For further information on how this scheme works, we’ve put together a handy FAQ document, which can be found here.

Use our quick and easy online quote generator, or call us on 03333 449950 and find out just how much you could receive for your old car in as little as 60 seconds.

Everyone at Scrap Car Comparison believes that motoring should be accessible for everyone, and with your donations we can help ensure that can become a reality.

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