We’re Supporting Children On The Edge this December

This December we are delighted to support Children on the Edge.

Children on the Edge is a child’s rights organisation working hand-in-hand with communities to support some of the world’s most marginalised children.

Placing children at the heart of everything they do, Children on the Edge work with more than 20,000 children in Bangladesh, India, Uganda, Myanmar and Lebanon creating safe spaces where they can flourish and thrive irrespective of their geography, ethnicity, gender or caste.

Over 30 years of experience in more than 18 countries has enabled Children on the Edge to work alongside communities to design tailored programs to address the specific needs and circumstances. By doing so they help transform the lives of marginalised children by co-creating, protective, nurturing environments in which they can safely live, play, learn and grow.

Clementine’s Story

Clementine is 5 years old and lives with her family in a refugee settlement in Uganda after fleeing their home in the Democratic Republic of Congo. She has recently joined one of Children on the Edge’s learning groups in her community, where the youngest refugee children can access early years education and support.

Clementine was born without an umbilical cord, and as a result has a swelling on her stomach. In addition to this, her left hand is a little shorter than her right one and only has a thumb and index finger.

Clementine is very brave and determined, and has been described as a ‘miracle baby’. The swelling on her stomach was operated on when the family were still in Congo before they fled to Uganda. But she still suffers from a lot of pain in her tummy. She was prescribed some medicine to help after attending a hospital check up in Uganda, but her family could not afford to buy it.

Her mother Sarafina has said that her health is finally starting to improve and happy feels the learning group has given her daughter a new life.

Learning groups for Clementine, and hundreds more children, are free so her mother doesn’t need to worry about school fees, and most importantly she is learning close to her home.

Clementine loves joining in with her lessons and loves her teacher. She now plays regularly with other children within the neighborhood thanks to the group. Clementine is learning well and often excitedly shares what she has learnt with her family at home. 

“Because of Clementine’s special condition, she used to stay at home without playing with other children; she was always isolated. But now she has the opportunity to associate with other children at the cluster point. All her hopes were gone when schools were closed, but then Children on the Edge restored them”. Sarafina, Clementine’s Mother.

Every pound that you donate when you scrap your car really does make a difference helping children like Clementine to thrive, learn and play.

Donate some or all of the profits to Children On The Edge when you scrap your car or van with Scrap Car Comparison. Find out more, read our FAQs on donating through your vehicle.

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