Can I Scrap The GPS System In My Car?

Long gone are the days of planning your route meticulously before you leave the house, relying on your passenger with a road atlas, or actually paying attention to road signs. Now, we have the entire world at our fingertips with directions on how to get anywhere we desire able to be programmed directly into our vehicles. These built-in GPS systems with the so-called ‘infotainment’ screens have actually been in our cars for around a decade now, which means those vehicles are about ready to start hitting the scrapyards of the UK. But can their GPS systems be scrapped too? Should they be? Read on to find out.

Has your car navigated its way into an accident, or has time simply caught up to it and worn it out? Sell it with Scrap Car Comparison and you could have it gone, with money in your bank, in just a few days. Using only your vehicle reg and postcode, we can find the highest offers for your car from professional scrap and salvage dealers in your local area. With 99% coverage of the UK, we’re able to help drivers nationwide and can even offer free collection no matter where you are! Give us a call on 03333 44 99 50 or use our scrap car price calculator to get a quote for your vehicle now!

Can You Scrap Your Car GPS System?

Absolutely! When you’re selling your car as scrap or salvage, the buyer will appreciate it having all of its original parts still present and accounted for – and this means they’ll be willing to pay more money for it! There are a few things you should remove, but the GPS doesn’t need to be one of them.

The scrap and salvage buyers that we partner with are all fully-licensed as Authorised Treatment Facilities, which is the proper name for a scrap yard operation that is totally regulated and run by professionals. The buyers have the knowledge and experience to make the most of every bit of your vehicle, whether it’s a car or van, and will ensure that it’s disposed of safely and in an environmentally friendly manner.

In fact, it’s a legal requirement for every vehicle that is scrapped to have at least 95% of its overall mass recycled, so you can rest easy knowing that your car isn’t just cluttering up a scrap heap until it rusts into useless chunks of metal.

These expertise mean that our ATF partners are also able to make use of your GPS system. If it’s still in working order, it might be salvaged and transplanted into another car directly, but if it’s broken or if it’s been destroyed after an accident that led the vehicle to be scrapped, the GPS system will be stripped down to its raw components and materials. These will then be processed to make them suitable for use again, helping build something new.

Why Would You Scrap Your GPS?

Selling your car’s GPS system as scrap might seem like a bizarre idea, but bear in mind that many vehicles that come to us are in such a poor condition that many of the components within them simply don’t work any more or, if they do, aren’t worth keeping hold of – not to the average person, anyway. Once again, this is where the expertise of our scrappers comes in handy, as they will know how to revitalise your vehicle’s parts to give them a new lease of life.

Some people might scrap their GPS system because they don’t know how to remove it themselves before disposing of the car, or may not consider it worthwhile to go through the hassle of doing so and selling it on themselves. Like we said above, scrap and salvage dealers can offer a better price if your car has all of the parts or any extras, so it might make more sense to scrap it than remove it.

Remember, when you ‘scrap’ it, you’re selling it. It’s not going to end up sitting on a heap of junk until the end of time. It will be put to good use one way or another.

Are you now ready to scrap your car, GPS and all? Give the Scrap Car Comparison sales team a call on 03333 44 99 50 or use our scrap car price calculator and we’ll quote you the top prices offered for your vehicle in just 30 seconds! We work with ATFs all over the UK and offer free collection as standard for every customer, so there are no hidden costs to worry about. Wherever you are, we’ll help you scrap your car today!

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