We’re Supporting CALM this October

A calm approach this month as we choose our featured ‘charity of the month’

For the month of October we have chosen to support The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM). In their words, here is why they have our support this month:


The Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) is an award-winning charity dedicated to preventing male suicide, the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the UK. Our goal is a life less miserable – for you, your friends, your family and for all men.


• Every day on average 12 men take their own life in the UK and three in every four suicides are male (ONS).
• Of men under the age of 45 in the UK, more than 4 in 10 have contemplated taking their own life, but fewer than half these men told anyone how they were feeling (YouGov).
• Only 55% of men who’ve experienced depression will tell anyone about it, compared to 67% of women (CALM’s Masculinity Audit 2016).


CALM takes an active and positive approach to changing this unacceptable picture:

1. We operate on the frontline, delivering services for men who are in crisis or distress, as well as supporting the people around them and those who’ve been bereaved by suicide.

2. At the same time, we look to the future and our ultimate goal of long-term culture change, running campaigns that drive awareness and change attitudes so that, over time, fewer men will need our services or feel suicide is their only option.


At the heart of CALM we strive to understand exactly how men think, feel, behave and experience the world, so that we can reach them on their own terms and on their own turf. CALM is a platform for expression and collaboration, where we actively reject living miserably to embrace and celebrate all interpretations of masculinity.


• A free helpline 0800 585858 and webchat (5pm–12am daily), which are confidential, anonymous and staffed by trained professionals.
• Bereavement support through the Support After Suicide Partnership, hosted by CALM.
• theCALMzone.net is CALM’s website, hosting inspiring content written by men for men alongside information and support.
• Successful campaigns tackling stereotypes of masculinity, suicide and male mental health, including #BiggerIssues, #ManDictionary and Torch Songs.
• CALM works with high-profile ambassadors and partners, such as Professor Green, Lynx, TOPMAN and JCDecaux.


• CALM was founded in 2006, and in the first ten years of operation has helped treble awareness of male suicide in the UK (YouGov).
• National awareness of the issue of male suicide currently sits at 40% (YouGov).
• CALM receives in excess of 6,000 calls to the helpline/webchat and 40,000 unique website visitors each month.
• Demand for CALM’s services are steadily increasing; currently someone tries to access the helpline/webchat every two minutes.

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