What Is An LPG Car And Should I Convert To It?

A lot of acronyms get thrown around in the automotive world, but LPG is one that many people – seasoned drivers included – may not be familiar with. It stands for liquefied petroleum gas, but that alone doesn’t explain what it really is, what it does, or whether you should drive a car that runs on it. That’s where we come in. Let’s break it down.

If the cost of fuel is starting to make owning a car impossible, sell it with Scrap Car Comparison and we’ll track down the very best prices offered by professional scrap & salvage buyers in your local area. With a network that spans 99% of the UK, we’re able to put you in touch with licensed Authorised Treatment Facilities (ATFs) that can dispose of your car or van – after they’ve also collected it at no extra cost! Give us a call on 03333 44 99 50 or use our scrap car price calculator for a quote now!

Fuel station pumps with unleaded, super unleaded and LPG fuels on offer

What Is An LPG And An LPG Car?

Liquefied petroleum gas cars are vehicles that have been designed or modified to run on LPG. You might have heard them referred to as dual fuel or bi-fuel cars, the nickname often given to them due to their ability to operate using LPG and petrol interchangeably.

LPG itself is essentially a byproduct of regular petrol production that is now being used rather than wasted. It’s a surprisingly versatile fuel, thanks to its makeup of hydrocarbons, and is regularly used in other areas of everyday life including cooking our food and heating our homes.

Think you’ve never seen LPG anywhere? Think again. Those Autogas pumps you spot at most petrol stations? That’s LPG.

How Much Does It Cost To Convert A Vehicle To LPG?

Of course, there’s no set-in-stone price for this procedure since every technician will value their time, materials and skills slightly differently. However, in general, you’re going to be looking at between £1,200 to £2,000 to get your car outfitted with an LPG fuel system that runs in tandem with your standard petrol one.

Should I Convert My Car To LPG?

There are a number of things to consider when making this decision, and they’re not all financial either. Let’s break down the pros and cons of LPG vehicles:


  • It’s cheaper – Once the conversion is completed, the fuel itself is much cheaper than petrol or diesel.
  • It’s safer – Unlike with petrol, the fuel tank your car will be fitted with is made from thick steel, meaning it’s less likely to rupture in an accident.
  • It’s cleaner – As the world becomes more eco-aware, LPG fuel is helping to keep the environment clean by emitting far less emissions into the air.


  • It’s expensive (at first) – The fuel itself might be cheaper, but the installation can be very expensive.
  • It’s harder to find – Petrol and diesel pumps are all over the place in the UK, but Autogas pumps aren’t present at every service station.
  • It’s not diesel-friendly – Trying to convert a diesel car to run on LPG can be so complicated, many people consider it to be not even worth trying.

Can All Cars Be Converted To LPG?

Let’s start out with the obvious point to make: electric cars can’t be converted to LPG. Just covering all bases…

Now, petrol and diesel vehicles are a different story. Most petrol cars can be converted to run on LPG, but not all. Diesel is where things get more tricky, however. Some diesel cars can be converted to LPG but it’s more expensive than switching over an unleaded vehicle. It also sacrifices some of the other bonuses you get from diesel, like the added range. So, it’s possible, but probably not worth it. 

Can You Scrap An LPG Car?

Scrapping an LPG car is definitely possible, and can be done through us here at Scrap Car Comparison. However, the process is slightly different and requires more specialised equipment which most, but not all, Authorised Treatment Facilities have access to.

Has your LPG car purchase not worked out and now you can’t find a buyer? Call Scrap Car Comparison and we can get you the best deals for your vehicle – LPG, petrol, diesel or electric – offered by professional scrap & salvage dealers based in your local area. We’ll even arrange for the collection of your car to be completed, totally free of charge, from anywhere on our network across the UK! Give us a call on 03333 44 99 50 or use our scrap value calculator to get a quote now!

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