Fords are some of the most popular vehicles on our roads and have been for a very long time. They’re a no-nonsense kind of car that always seems to get the job done without any hiccups along the way… but not always. Often, when something does go wrong, it can be attributed to a lack of vehicle maintenance and, many times, it involves the car’s engine and the coolant that regulates its temperature. Forget to top up your car’s coolant and sooner or later you’ll have steam – or worse – billowing out from under your bonnet. Here’s how you can identify which coolant your Ford needs, and how to top it up.
If this advice has come a little too late to save your Ford from a fiery demise, then why not get a quote to sell your old, unwanted or written-off car with us here at Scrap Car Comparison? We can find you the best offers from scrap and salvage specialists in your local area with just 30 seconds of your time! We work with ATFs (Authorised Treatment Facilities) all over the UK, so wherever you are, we can even offer quick and free collection as standard! Give us a call on 03333 44 99 50 or use our scrap car price calculator for a quote now!

Do Fords Need Specific Coolant?
Yes, the type of coolant required for use in a Ford can vary, but it is recommended by the manufacturer themselves that a mixture of 50% water and 50% antifreeze is used. This will enable the vehicle to keep working as intended even in both the hottest and coldest of UK temperatures.
The real differences arise when it comes to considering the actual products that the coolant is made from. Some Fords will benefit from the use of OAT coolant, which stands for Organic Acid Technology, and uses carboxylic acids and azoles. This type of coolant is extremely common in modern vehicles.
Some cars though (including a selection of modern ones) prefer the use of NAP-free coolants. NAP stands for nitrites, amines and phosphates. These coolants which are lacking in these substances (along with silicates) are usually better for diesel vehicles.
How Do You Know Which Coolant To Use
The holy grail of information for any driver is the user manual or handbook that comes with the vehicle. Everything you could ever want to know about your car is listed inside this book, including the type of coolant that the manufacturer recommends.
If you don’t have the vehicle’s handbook, you can check the website of any big-name car part and accessories shop that sells a variety of coolants and they will almost certainly have a built-in feature to help. These websites can take your vehicle registration number and identify the exact model and trim of your car, allowing them to cherry pick the correct coolant for your Ford.
What Happens If You Put The Wrong Coolant In Your Ford?
Using the wrong coolant in your vehicle is unlikely to cause any serious damage, as long as you don’t make a habit of it. You’ll get away with simply topping up the existing coolant using the wrong type, but if you fill the coolant reservoir with OAT and you should be using NAP-free, then it could speed up the normal wear and tear of your car’s insides. Corrosion is less common on modern vehicles, but using the wrong type of coolant can accelerate this process. For the best performance and longevity, give your Ford the correct type of coolant.
Can I Replace My Engine Coolant Myself?
Yes, and the process is fairly simple. This is how you can replace your car’s coolant. Whether it’s a Ford Fiesta, Ford Focus or anything else, the actions you’ll need to take will be very similar:
- Jack up the car: Raise the front of your vehicle up on a jack so that you can safely work underneath it.
- Catch the coolant: Position a large container below the vehicle’s radiator to catch the coolant when it drains out. You can look through the car’s handbook to find where this is located.
- Flush it: Remove the valve that prevents the coolant from leaking and flush the system until all of the coolant is out.
- Drain the reserve: There may also be a reserve tank that needs draining, which should be able to be removed and emptied.
- Put it all back: Reattach the reserve tank and plug the valve back in place.
- Refill: Fill with the new coolant.
Once the coolant is filled, you’re good to go!
How Often Do I Need To Top Up My Ford’s Coolant?
Coolant lasts for quite a while, so the recommendation here is to only top up the coolant every six months. However, it’s important to note that no two cars are the same, and any minor differences, whether they’re faults or simply natural wear and tear, could lead to the coolant needing to be topped up more frequently.
If your car is on its last legs and no amount of coolant will put it right, it might be time to scrap it! That’s where we come in. Here at Scrap Car Comparison, we can find you the best offers for your Ford wherever you are in the UK. Our network of scrap specialists extends nationwide, meaning we can even collect your old, unwanted or broken down Ford at no cost to yourself. Give us a call now on 0333 344 9950 or use our scrap car price calculator to get a quote today.