Helping ‘Mash’ regain the use of his arm

Scrap Car Comparison is helping Matthew Ashton-Rickhardt regain the use of his arm again through fundraising efforts within the team over the coming weeks and months.

Following a motorcycling accident, Ashton-Rickhadrt, known as ‘Mash’ to his friends, lost the use of his arm, and has been trying to raise enough funds to purchase a Myomo arm orthosis (in layman’s terms, a brace). Designed to restore the ability of an arm to its wearer, the Myopro helps individuals perform tasks that would otherwise be impossible without it.

Working using the faint nerve signals sent from the brain to the surface of the skin, meaning the Myopro is fully non-invasive and requires no implantation, the user is able to fully control their own hand, wrist, elbow and arm in a system that has been dubbed ‘power steering for your arm’.

As is to be expected with a product that wouldn’t look out of place in a science fiction movie, it doesn’t come cheap, and over the past 15 years ‘Mash’ has only been able to raise £7000 of the required £46,500. As a personal friend of one of our directors and local to Scrap Car Comparison HQ, we are all behind Mash’s efforts and are keen to raise as much money as possible. 

You can help Mash’s Army achieve their goal by choosing to donate a portion of, or if you’re feeling particularly generous, all the profits of your car to his cause, when you scrap it with Scrap Car Comparison. Use our quick and easy online quote generator, or call us on 03333 449950 to find out just how much you could receive for your old car. Alternatively, you can donate at any time through Mash’s JustGiving page, which can be found here.

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