Can Hybrid Cars Be Scrapped?

Hybrid cars are taking up more and more of the automotive market these days, which means that they’re also starting to filter through to the car scrappage sector. Just like other types of car, hybrid cars can be scrapped and recycled but as you might expect, the process differs slightly. The main difference when scrapping a hybrid car is that there’s an electric battery to think about, and this component must be recycled in a specific way.

A hybrid car is one that’s powered by both a traditional petrol or diesel combustion engine and electric motor run by a battery. There are several forms of hybrids, each of which generates or draws on electricity in different ways, but all hybrid cars can run on both fuel and electricity and can switch between the two.

If your old hybrid is ready to go on one final journey, give Scrap Car Comparison a call on 03333 44 99 50 or use our scrap car price calculator to get your vehicle priced up today. Our national network of scrap and salvage vehicle dealers will offer you top prices for your car, in line with scrap market prices, and when you choose us, you’ll even get free collection included!

A man plugging in an electric car outside a home

Will Hybrid Cars Be Allowed In The UK After 2030?

Hybrid cars had a stay of execution in a sense. While the sale of diesel and petrol vehicles was set to be prohibited from 2030, new hybrid cars are allowed to remain on the market until 2035. The ruling that impacts petrol and diesel vehicles has now been pushed back to align with the hybrid agreement of 2035. After that time, the sale of newly produced petrol, diesel or hybrid cars will be entirely outlawed in the hopes of reducing the nation’s emission output. The ruling applied to both self-charging and plug-in hybrid cars, but it’s the ability to travel significant distances without the need for fossil fuel that initially gave them a half-decade reprieve and plays a role in picking out which models which could in the future be spared, if any.

Can Hybrid Cars Be Recycled?

All vehicles that are disposed of in the UK, regardless of their fuel source, must have at least 95% of their total mass recycled; this is a legal requirement put in place via the End of Life Vehicle Directive to prevent unnecessary waste from what could be a highly pollutive industry. The process will differ slightly depending on whether your car runs on petrol, diesel, electricity or a combination of both, but three main stages will be untaken: depollution, dismantlement & destruction. Our recycling guide explains this process in more depth.

While the generic parts of the car, like the tyres and metal shell can be recycled, the battery – exclusive to hybrids and full EVs – can also be processed and recycled for us in other ways. 90% of lithium-ion batteries are eligible for recycling, while all kinds of nickel metal hydride devices can be dismantled and reused.

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What Happens To The Batteries In Hybrid Cars?

As demand for hybrid and electric cars continues to grow, scrappage companies are looking for ways to manage and recycle batteries in the most environmentally friendly way possible.

As it stands, lithium-ion batteries are covered by the Battery Directive, which states that at least 50 percent of the battery in its entirety must be recycled. Thankfully, this is more than possible, as we mentioned above. Battery packs can be dismantled manually and the plastics and wiring that cushion the cell can be recycled along with other similar plastics.

If you have a scrap car battery lying around, we’ve put together a handy guide on just how much you could get for selling it on.

What Is The Lifespan Of A Hybrid Car?

Hybrid cars, while able to utilise traditional fuels, are reliant on their batteries. These devices can be quite short lived, though some will survive for around the same amount of time as an internal combustion engine; however, the cost to replace and electric or hybrid vehicle’s battery can be staggeringly expensive – often costing more than the value of the car itself.

So, it’s unfortunate that some hybrid cars will reach the end of their lives after a measly five years… but with proper maintenance, others could live on for three times that, hitting the 15 year milestone. Caring for your vehicle, regardless of how it’s powered, will keep in on the road for longer and can even allow even the most old-fashioned or basic of cars to get you around in comfort decades after they’ve rolled off the production line.

How To Scrap A Hybrid Car

Scrapping a hybrid car with us works in exactly the same way as it would if you scrapped a petrol or diesel vehicle – get a quote, accept an offer, then arrange the collection. Once it’s taken away, our professional Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF) operators will handle the rest. It’s that simple, so scrap your hybrid car today!

The scrapping process itself, however, is very similar to the disposal process of a traditional car until it’s time to get rid of the battery. While all parts are crushed down and reduced to their raw materials, the battery must be handled more carefully. Lithium-ion batteries can be extremely hazardous, posing both a chemical risk and a danger that could cause serious fires or even explosions! For this reason, it’s essential that they’re left to the pros who have the right equipment, knowhow and experience for the job.

To explain in more detail, we’ve created a downloadable guide that covers everything you need to know about scrapping a hybrid car and what’s involved, including a handy FAQ section.

Simply click on the guide below to download and read it.

Guide to recycling a hybrid car

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