Our Parking Story Becomes Top Motoring News Release Across UK

Parking the WRONG way: Our news story makes it into 37 titles

A story we released earlier in May has gone UK wide – having appeared in 37 newspaper titles.

And that included four national newspapers across England and Wales. 

Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Daily Express and Daily Post Wales all carried our story about ‘parking the wrong way’ will see you fall foul of law enforcement.

Radio station Heart FM and the news page of search engine MSN also took the story on board.

The summary of the story is if you park your vehicle facing the wrong way at night, you could be facing a fine up to £1,000. That’s because a little-known highway code law says drivers must park the same way as the flow of traffic, if not using a marked bay.

And not many motorists are aware of this judging by the comments left on the websites which carried the story.

The story can be read from one of the many publications here:  http://www.heart.co.uk/lifestyle/parking-car-wrong-way-on-road-thousand-pound-fine/

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