How to check if a car has been scrapped
The only way that you can check, reliably, if a car has been scrapped is to pay for an HPI check. While you can run a few checks on a vehicle for free through the DVLA, these will only show details such as SORN status, whether the car is taxed and if it has a valid MOT. The DVLA will not show whether the car is marked as scrapped.
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HPI Check
The most popular and reliable way to check a car’s history, and something you should be doing for any second-hand vehicle purchase anyway, is to run an HPI check. HPI stands for Hire Purchase Information, and goes into a great deal of depth about the car’s history, often running checks with the DVLA, finance companies and insurance companies too. You do need to pay for the service, but you can be reassured that you’ll find out whether the car has been scrapped, stolen, marked as an insurance write off, or had any number plate changes, as well as any outstanding finance and the number of previous owners.
How do you get an HPI check?
Plenty of reliable companies offer HPI checks, so have a search online to find one you like the look of – some examples include HPI Check, Check Car Details or Total Car Check. You can expect to pay somewhere between £10 for base level information (including if it has been registered as scrap) and £20 for a more thorough check, and it could be worth every penny for the peace of mind it provides.
Most systems will require you to input the car’s registration number, which it will then scour the various databases to pull out all of the information you need.
Can I get a free HPI check?
No, the only way you are able to get a complete check is to pay for the service. Some websites may claim to offer a free check, but this will rarely be the case and you’ll more than likely have to pay to find the information you actually want to see.
What’s the difference between ‘scrapped’ and ‘written-off’?
Just because a car has been written off, doesn’t necessarily mean that it has been scrapped. Cars can be written off into one of four categories, and only two of these require the car to be sent to the scrap pile. If your car was only damaged enough to be sorted into Category S or N, then there’s no reason why it can’t be returned to the road after some hefty repairs. If it’s A or B, then that’s it, off to the scrap yard.
SORN, or a Statutory Off Road Notice, is simply a way to ensure you’re not paying tax for a car that you don’t need to. This doesn’t need to be a damaged car, either, although that is a regular reason owners choose to SORN their car. In some cases, owners of some higher value or ‘seasonal vehicles’ – those more niche cars that you don’t want to drive in the depths of winter like sports cars or classics – will keep their car tucked away over the winter and get it back out once the sun returns in the spring.
Things you should check when buying a used car
The HPI check can be an absolute godsend when you’re looking to buy a used car as if you have any suspicions at all that the dealer might be trying to pull a fast one, one quick HPI check will either confirm those suspicions or put your fears to rest.
What information will an HPI Check give you?
When you purchase an HPI check, it will provide you with the following information
- If it has ever been scrapped
- If it has ever been registered as stolen
- If it’s odometer is genuine (otherwise known as being clocked)
- Its MOT history
- If it’s ever been written off
- If it’s ever been exported
- If the logbook is genuine – there could be as many as 20,000 fake logbooks in circulation
- If the logbook and VIN match
- Whether it’s ever had a number plate change
Can I check if a car I used to own has been scrapped?
You can use the HPI check to see if a car you once owned has been sent for scrap, but you’ll need to remember that this will still cost you £20, so if your curiosity is worth the cost, then go ahead!
You can still check the MOT and tax status of your old car for free on the DVLA website, but this will not say if it has been scrapped or not.
Can I check the status of a car I’ve sent for scrap?
If your car has been scrapped, then you should have received a Certificate of Destruction (CoD) to confirm this. However, if you sold your car to the Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF) before the scrapping took place, then the CoD will have been sent directly to them instead as the car’s registered owners. You may need to ask the ATF to provide a copy of the CoD – assuming they scrapped the car as soon as you sold it to them, of course.
While you can opt for an HPI check on the car you’ve just sold, be aware that the ATF may not have immediately scrapped your car, so you could be paying the £20 to find that it’s still sitting in their yard somewhere.
Can I transfer my private number plate after scrapping my car?
Sadly no, once a car has been scrapped then the number plate is no longer valid. If you do have a private plate then you’ll need to make sure you complete a V778 Retention Document to secure the registration until you are able to put it on a suitable new car.